I have a friend who years ago twisted my arm to get me into
Clover.  Back then the original Clover modem, the PCI-4000
was arguably more costly than the SCS modems in constant dollars.
We used to keep skeds and use it conversationally - he seemed
to really enjoy the quasi-full-duplex operation where we could
both be typing at the same time and our two-way communications
were going along with the ACK and NACK signals.  Eventually we
gave up on Clover, partly because we both got busy with other
things, but also because Clover seemed to have a particular
shortcoming: when the channel quality deteriorated it would
keep trying unsuccessfully to send a long block, instead of
dropping back to a shorter block that might have a chance of
getting through.  But when it worked we did enjoy the error-
free conversations under band conditions that were too bad for
the only other keyboard mode we had at the time, which was RTTY.


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