Maybe some of you can help me with understanding the current digital 
state of the art with NTS. Recently, there have been some NTS 
yahoogroups formed for our region and the sections in that region. There 
is no digital presence at this time, however, at least one ham I knew in 
past years (now SK) was involved at some level, perhaps Pactor.

At least one of the daytime region voice nets is struggling to survive. 
I suspect that CW nets are having some similar problems and if not, they 
surely will have as more CW competent OTs become SK. I don't see 
anywhere near enough new hams becoming proficient in CW and also having 
an interest in traffic handling.

So I suggested that if there was any interest, maybe we could try using 
some of the new technologies that have only recently become available to 

That means either using an extremely robust mode such as Olivia which 
can compete with CW from some of my experiences, or using an ARQ mode 
with NBEMS or possibly Multipsk's FAE400. Eventually, it is possible 
that WINMOR may become available for peer to peer but that is likely far 
into the future from what they are saying.

Are any of the NTS digital stations using sound card modes or are they 
staying with the NTS/D (actually the old Winlink system) and Pactor?

Any recommendations, or even better, any actual experiences  with 
getting area, region, or even section nets using some of the newer 
digital sound card modes?


Rick, KV9U

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