My preference would be to follow the band plan. Assuming I understand 
things correctly, on 30 meters it is intended that modes up to 2700 Hz 
remain in the 10.140 - 10.150 sub band and all narrow digimodes (500 Hz 
or less) in the 10.130 - 10.140, with 10.100 - 10.130 for CW. There is 
no comment on automatic operation on that band.

Why not operate on what has been an unused part of the band from about 
10.132 - 10.138? Do you hear stations operating in that part in your 
region? I tune around quite a bit and have found it pretty much dead.

As far as busy frequency detection, I suspect that Winlink 2000 may 
continue with their rather open viewpoint expressed by their 
administrator that turning off such protection is needed due to 
malicious activities and because the bands are so busy. But then again 
maybe they will surprise us.


Rick, KV9U

kh6ty wrote:
> Rick wrote:
> > It was very difficult to actually use the frequency due to many other
> > stations transmitting on top of the server and my signals.
> What! You were on the frequency first and someone transmitted over top 
> of you? Don't they always "listen first"?
>  ;-)
> Therefore, we must be very grateful for Rein's decision to stay in the 
> area with the other "automatic" stations, even if his signal is narrow 
> and could go elsewhere. However, it might be feasible to operate 
> PSKmail in the guardbands between Pactor-3 station assigned 
> frequencies with less QRM. I think that Pactor-3 seldom uses more than 
> 2100 Hz bandwidth, but the "channel" is 2500 Hz wide.
> I hope all future mailbox operators will be just as considerate. An 
> automatic station is unable to QSY, even if it could hear that it was 
> interferring with an ongoing QSO, because it is necessary for it to 
> remain on a published frequency in order to be contactable, and 
> besides, there is nobody present at the automatic station in order to 
> shift frequency.
> How long do you REALLY expect the Winmor "busy channel detector" to 
> stay enabled!
> 73, Skip KH6TY

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