Only hours to go before the TARA SKIRMISH  --- just enough time to dust off 
the rig interface, adjust the sound card, sort out  the cables, check out 
the software, review the macros and read the rules at 
seasons/tara_ dpx_rules.  html_ 
( .

TARA invites all you  digital hams out there in radio land to SKIRMISH on 
Saturday, April  18, 2009 from 0000Z to 2400Z.

The TARA  SKIRMISH is a multi digital mode operation, each mode being a 
separate  entry. This contest is a must for you prefix hunters. There will be 
many new or  rare prefixes heard.

Good luck and hope to work you in the  Skirmish.

73 - Br. Rich, Contest Manager

_ ( 
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