Hi Patrick and Simon.

My code is derived from Patrick's, only I heavily optimized it to be executed 
on a less powerful fixed point arithmetics CPU. I am obsessed with optimization 
to increase battery life of the Pocket PC device.

I am refering to PocketDigi source code, misc/rsid.c. I believe fldigi used my 
source code as a starting point. 

rsid_search function receives samples @ 11025 and calculates 1024 point real 
FFT each time 1024 new samples are received. Therefore the FFT intervals 
overlap by one half. The sound card runs at 8 kSamples per second, but I have a 
resampler running outside of the rsid code to resample to 11025. Also the 
resampler takes care of the sound card clock correction. I have another 
resampler running for clock correction from 8ksamples to 8ksamples, but this 
one is only executed if clock adjustment is different from zero to save some 
battery time. Also resampling with fixed point arithmetics add some error.

The main speed up of Patrick's search routine is done by "hashing". In case of 
RSID we are happy enough that it is possible to setup reverse lookup tables, 
which have no duplicate hits. The tables are setup in rsid_init. Encoded RSID 
code consists of 15 nibbles. Patrick decided to only accept a code as valid if 
it has zero or one error. I therefore prepared two reverse lookup tables from 
encoded RSID code consisting from 15 nibbles to the mode identifier index, 
which fits into single byte. Each of the reverse lookup tables have 256 
entries, some of them may be empty - they lead to invalid RSID code. The first 
table is indexed by first and second nibble of encoded RSID, the other table 
with third and fourth nibble of encoded RSID. The idea behind it is that if 
there is a single bit error in the first two nibbles, there will be no error in 
the third and fourth nibble. After the two tables are resolved, the received 
code hamming distance is verified as in Patrick's original source code. My 
optimization consists therefore mainly in saving some 100 calls of Hamming 
distance calculation by using two table lookups, gaining probably speedup of 
about 50x. 

Another optimization is in CalculateBuckets(), which calculates maximum of 16 
successive tones. It uses result of previous sweep in most cases. This probably 
speeds up the function about 4x. Not that significant if compared to the 
hashing trick, but after the hashing was implemented, even this little 
optimization becomes useful. I believe now the RSID decoding time depends 
mostly on the real FFT routine.

My encoder generates phase coherent MFSK signal @ 8000, no resampling to 11025 
is necessary. TX is done in main/trx.c, mainly in trx_txstate(), see case with 

73, Vojtech

--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, "Patrick Lindecker" <f6...@...> wrote:
> Simon,
> >Why must the sampling frequency be 11025?
> because the Fourier is done with 2048 samples at 11025 samples/sec. At 8000, 
> the number of samples would not be a power of 2 and this Fourier could not be 
> a FFT but a standard digital Fourier (DFT) which takes times to do. So the 
> simplest way is to base all on 11025. 
> For more details, read the "RS_ID_English.doc" file in 
> http://f6cte.free.fr/PAPERS.ZIP
> 73
> Patrick
>   ----- Original Message ----- 
>   From: Simon (HB9DRV) 
>   To: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com 
>   Sent: Thursday, April 16, 2009 10:54 PM
>   Subject: Re: [digitalradio] Mode of the Day? RS ID on SdR bandwidth
>   Hi,
>   Why must the sampling frequency be 11025?
>   Simon Brown, HB9DRV
>   www.ham-radio-deluxe.com
>     ----- Original Message ----- 
>     From: Patrick Lindecker 
>     No problem, but I program in Pascal not in C...(Votjech did a C source).  
> The sampling frequency must be 11025, but it is not a problem to work at 8000.

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