Being new to digi modes, the biggest problem I've encountered is finding 
someone to have a qso with. It's rather difficult to try a new mode (they are 
all new to me!) without someone to chat with. Being new, I have a real  
difficult time IDing the signals,  and determing the mode and setting.

I've joined multiple Yahoo groups and a few clubs. The Feld Hell Club seems 
quite active, and I worked their Sprint last weekend - great fun!

I think having a "mode of the day" is a great idea ... ESPECIALLY if ops would 
post their activity on the sked and spot pages. I was really disappointed at 
the lack of activity on the K3UK DigitalRadio sked page, which is a VERY 
powerful resource. It's use really fosters extra activity. The same goes for 
the W6RK spot page and Digital spots on the regular web cluster 
are few and far between (with the exception of PSK and RTTY).

IMHO, having a number of ops all working the same digi mode on the same day, 
AND spotting one another on the cluster AND announcing their activity on the 
spot/sked pages would have to generate added activity and enthusiasm. If 
someone is watching DxSpider and they see a bunch of spots all day long for 
DominoEX, perhaps they'll fire up DM780 and give it a try.

Even we we don't get MOTD going, I really hope more digi ops will use the sked 
& spot pages. Not only do they help locatet activity, but they really help in 
IDing the mode.


Bob - K3MQ

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