I always assumed that it had a lot to do with the amount of activity vs. 
finding someone. CW or other operators wanting to make a specific 
contact on a band or location, such as for an award, need some way to 
find a similar operator.

There is a smaller subset of digital hams and those digital hams mostly 
use PSK31. They only have need for extra help if they want to go beyond 
PSK31 and work less commonly used modes or for awards perhaps?

No matter how much we have tried to promote the newer modes, some of 
which have special attributes such as being far more robust than PSK31, 
have ARQ capability that is not available to keyboard chat modes, etc., 
the reaction I have personally gotten from other hams is that PSK31 is 
good enough and when it doesn't work, they do other things.

As a recent example, a ham from a nearby community is was introduced as 
the digital expert so I was very interested in seeing if he would be 
interested in working some of the new modes, especially because a large 
focus of his group was with public service communication. I was quite 
surprised when he seemed almost annoyed with me for even suggesting that 
any other digital modes exist than PSK31 or should even be used on the 
ham bands.

Since most digital hams use only PSK31, and there are well known 
watering hole frequencies on the popular bands, they never need any help 
with internet coordination. If a given band is open, they can almost 
always find someone.

By the way, what is the LOTW group intended to be used for?


Rick, KV9U

Andrew O'Brien wrote:
> -My sentiments exactly Bob.  I have tried and tried over the years and cannot 
> figure out why the digital part of the K3UK Sked  page is not used more.  As 
> you know, the SKCC and LOTW K3UK Sked pages are used constantly.  The irony 
> is that the SKCC and LOTW pages were established as after thoughts, the 
> digitalradio sked page was my first goal and the initial  design code was 
> provided gratis by a member of this group N8FQ.
> Another irony is that the LOTW page that you suggested is quite often the 
> group that spurs people to try digital modes like Feld Held for the first 
> time.  There are more digital mode "skeds" made via the LOTW page than the 
> digitalradio sked page.
> Andy K3UK

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