I posted a different question a few days ago, and a respondent suggested I use 
Linux. Here's a follow up question.

I have an older laptop computer on which I may want to load Linux. It is a 
Pentium II operating at 366 Mhz. It currently has Windows 98 as the OS. I'm 
thinking of loading a version of Linux to replace the OS. This presents several 

What version od Linux will run with the limited RAM and processor this has?

There is no NIC, however it does have two USB ports. I have a USB interface 
that connects to my cable modem, but it doesn't have a Linux driver available 
for it. Can anyone guess if it will work? It's a Linksys model USB10T

I'm trying to locate additional memory for the laptop, but unsure if I can find 
any. Also, this is being done on a shoestring budget, so the advice "buy a new 
one" won't help much hi! The purpose of this project is to have a backup for my 
main PC should it go down, allowing me to at least check email and hopefully 
run a digital app or two for the radio until the main PC is back on line.

I loaded an old copy of Puppy Linux from the CD, and it worked fine, leaving 
44M available for apps, so it appears it will work at some level. Ham apps and 
internet connectivity are the two remaining questions.

Any and all assitance appreciated!

Tnx es 73

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