My Icom 746 suffers the same problem. I had hoped that the Elecraft K3
that I had in mind would solve this issue for me as well but maybe not. The
review in QST was the best they ever gave but maybe I hope for too much.  


Rick - KH2DF



From: [] On
Behalf Of Andy obrien
Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2009 7:08 PM
To: digitalradio
Subject: [digitalradio] Really beating the AGC issue with PSK ?


>From time to time we have had discussions here about the problem with
PSK (and other modes) when a strong stations appears to grab the
waterfall and wipe out all the other stations within a 2-3 Khz range.
Because of this phenomenon, when I purchased a new rig, I looked for
one that could have AGC totally off (when needed) and one that can
employ narrow DSP filtering. I must say that I have not really solved
this issue . I can see a marginal difference with AGC turned off but
strong signals still essentially desensitize other stations in the
waterfall. The DSP features do better and I can get rid of the
phenomena by turning to a narrow filter. However this does not help
if the offending station is with 300 - 500 Hz ( a lot when dealing
with narrow digital modes).

Does anyone have any advice on how to once and for all solve this
issue? My rig is a TS2000

Andy K3UK

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