On Fri, 29 May 2009 00:39:28 -0000, you wrote:

>Buy an IC7000 ;-)

Or another newish ICOM :-)

>I run my 7000 with 150Hz filter width for PSK31 and if that's not small enough 
>I'll put one or both manual notches into play to narrow things further.
>I can only define three filters and I have to do that at the rig, there is no 
>provision to do it via CAT. But I can choose via CAT. They are forced to be 
>centered at 1500Hz. I have setup 150Hz (for PSK31 and 63), 600Hz (for MFSK and 
>Olivia) and 3KHz (for search/acquisition and MT63-1K)

Command '1A-03' will do that.

250Hz filter is: 1A-03-04
3600Hz filter  : 1A-03-40,14-07-01-50,14-08-01-50 (to shift 300Hz up
to avoid seeing 300Hz of the lower sideband).

>Right now I'm using fldigi because I need calibration capability but when the 
>new HRD/DM780 comes out with calibration I'm looking forward to switching back 
>so I can hopefully program some macros in DM780 to QSY to 1500Hz waterfall and 
>dump the filter from 3KHz to 150Hz with a single button press. That way I can 
>have a "search mode" and a "QSO mode".

In DM780:

Center and narrow:

#   This macro only contains commands for tuning your radio.
#   The text is not added to the input (TX) window.

center-on 1500
Set button-select 250 1    //  250 = On 


#   This macro only contains commands for tuning your radio.
#   The text is not added to the input (TX) window.

Set button-select 3600 1    //  3600 = On

('button-select 250 1' and 'button-select 3600 1' is CAT command
buttons defined in HRD as shown above)
OV1A Jens

 Good decisions come from experience. Experience comes from making bad ones

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