Lol Very funny!!!! 

Sorry I have a friend that is a Linux fanatic and always call's MS Windows 
just Windoze. 
Then again when you see the speed of his Linux box you understand why. 

I have dabbled a bit in Linux over the years (on the same hard disk and had
problems trying to update, lost MBR) etc etc.  Main reason I don't use it
all the time on this PC (my office one as the OH now uses the vista laptop)
is A:  I have yet to be able to set up my wireless network  (I have a
specialist radio broadband as I live in a remote area and I need this to
work or I would have to cable through and this is just not viable) and also
for the software I use for work, including MS Office, I used to use open
office before this job LOL.  Anyway, on a side note.  I use FLdigi and have
flarq for windows etc. I love FLdigi.  ANother thing.  What would be the
chances of getting a wireless connection between the vista laptop and a
Linux machine.. I can't even get file sharing to work at the moment between
XP / Vista.  ICS is about as far as I have got.   

Toby MM0TOB  
-------Original Message-------
From: Steinar Aanesland
Date: 11/06/2009 17:22:31
Subject: Re: [digitalradio] Boot discs for emcomm/ham radio

Rick, I think Windoze is some sort of "Lunix" clone

73 de LA5VNA Steinar

Rick W wrote:
> I use Linux and MS Windows XP and Vista here in the shack with a KVM
> switch. I have never used Windoze, but I see some hams claim they know
> about it.



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