Hi Gang,

All this talk about PSKMail piqued my interest, so last night I
installed the PSKMail java client.

I had no luck contacting any of the servers listed on

I tried the ping command, and I guess no servers were on 10.148 that
could hear me.

I have one question: what are most of you PSK Mail users using for
email accounts?  Gmail account work well with this?

It looks to me like when you "UPDATE YOUR RECORD" it is going to send
your email account info (and password) over the air in clear text?  Is
anyone concerned about this?  Just wondering if there is a more secure
option to get the account info into the system (using the internet).

Looks like a very cool project, and I look forward to trying it out!


-Josh KD7PAJ
Shoreline, WA

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