> It looks to me like when you "UPDATE YOUR RECORD" it is going to send
> your email account info (and password) over the air in clear text?  Is
> anyone concerned about this?  Just wondering if there is a more secure
> option to get the account info into the system (using the internet).
> Looks like a very cool project, and I look forward to trying it out!
> Thanks.
> -Josh KD7PAJ
> Shoreline, WA

Josh, this is a very good point.  The password info when you type it in is not 
disguised (********) , so yes... someone could get you password if it is in the 
clear.  I was not looking when it sent mine, so I am not sure how "open" it was.

Try WB5CON, that has been the easiest for me.

Andy K3UK

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