On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 12:48:04PM -0400, F.R. Ashley wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm  another  long-time MixW user and prefer it over the other programs. 
> But like Andy, K3UK, I'm afraid MixW is becoming another orphaned ham 
> program!   How well I remember the old XPWin programs and Gary just threw in 
> the towel one day and got out of ham radio.
>  I've seen posts before about the future of MixW, some reporting Nick is 
> indeed working on an upgrade.  Instead of speculation, I'm sure someone out 
> there must know Nick personally who can get the answers from the horses 
> mouth, as they say.


It's not the money, either: it's that it has so much potential, but
isn't being kept up to current capabilities. 

Mike Andrews, W5EGO
Tired old sysadmin 

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