
> Thanks Rein.  Is there a PSK2700 ?   That would certainly get Peter 
> Martinez's eyes 
> rolling.

I agree, he would roll his eyes but the throughput would be lightening fast! I 
tried to get Mixw to run at very high speeds a while back just to see if it 
would work. It did, but it seems to stop printing at PSK625. 

The path simulator indicated that the minimum signal-to-noise threshold 
increased by roughly 3db each time the word-per-minute / baud rate was doubled 
(see below).  

It would be interesting to test PSK63 vs. PSK625 on VHF to see if that wide 
10db difference shows on-air. It should take 10 times the power to maintain the 
same throughput according to the simularor. Difficult to prove on HF with all 
the variables; bandwidth is 2K-plus. 

Mode                          Minimum SNR

PSK31............................. -10db

Tony -K2MO

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