Dave AF6AS wrote: 

>> If you go much above a 2 Khz bandwidth, you're going to start ruling out a
>> lot of rigs that don't have the audio bandwidth to pass that wide of a
>> signal.  

Made a mistake on the PSK625 bandwidth - it should have read 1.2K not 2K. I'm 
not a advocate of exceedingly wide modes on HF anyway Dave, unless their use is 

> wonder how PSK 2000 would compare with esisting modes, such as
> Olivia 32/2000 and MT63 at 2 Khz bandwidth.

It's really an apples-to-oranges comparison since the other modes you mentioned 
have much lower minimum SNR thresholds than say PSK500 - they also have much 
slower throughput. 

Mode                       Minimum SNR               WPM

PSK500 (900Hz BW)      +3db                      560 (approximate)
PSK250 (400Hz BW)       -1db                      280        "
MT63-2K                            -5db                      200
MT63-1K                            -7db                      100
Olivia 64-2K                     -13db                       42         " 
Olivia16/500                     -14db                      24          "
Contestia 16/500             -12db                       46         "

As the saying goes, there's no free lunch -- it seems that high-speed usually 
means less sensitivity and more power to make it work. Another issue is baud 
rate - I believe PSK500 runs 500 baud - well beyond the 300 baud HF limit. 

If you like Olivia 64/2K Dave, I'd give Contestia 500/16 a try. They are very 
close in sensitivity and over-all performance. Contestia 500-16 uses 1/4th the 
bandwidth and the wpm rate is slightly faster as well. 

Tony -K2MO

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