----- Original Message ----- 
> From: Andy obrien
> To: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 3:57 PM
>  Subject: Re: [digitalradio] Why would anyone
> I agree with Charles,  mostly.  I have mixed feelings about the whole 
> "wide" versus "narrow"  issue.  While I tend to gravitate towards the 
> narrow modes, I
> have to admit to sympathizing with those on this list who express 
> frustration that they cannot experiment with some of the wider modes 
> because they exceed
> baud rates and bandwidth limitations in the USA.  Obviously, if I am 
> parked on my narrow part of the spectrum having a  nice chat, I would be 
> unhappy about
> someone with a 10 Khz wide signal zapping the entire band.  I guess I 
> would say that keeping the max under 2.7 Khz makes some sense.
> Andy K3UK

Hi Andy,

That limitation would only make sense if you were also willing to ban DSB AM 
transmissions, which take up over twice that bandwidth.  What we really need 
is a rule that says you should use the minimum bandwidth needed to get the 
job done, just as we do with power.

Dave Sparks

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