So, a few weeks ago WINMOR was just a concept to most of use.  Now many have 
tested the simple soundcard alternative to $1000 modems and the verdict appears 
to be...  it works !  It works as an email/file sharing digital mode but not 
perhaps as a strong competitor to Pactor III in terms of performance.   I think 
the authors and development team will probably point out that they never 
intended to have the mode equal or better PIII , rather simply provide an 
alternative that was effective on HF.  While there are a few problems still 
being worked on, my views is that even if they never made any more 
improvements...their goal has been achieved.  

While some WINMORons (I think that is what we should call ourselves) have 
achieved transfers in the 1000 to 2000 bytes per minutes range, I have been 
mainly in the 200-400 range. It still works though.  

The next stage will perhaps be the most interesting, switching from 
experimental peer-to-peer email exchanges and incorporating WINMOR fully in to 
the Winlink suite of applications .  From a emcomm point of view, the ability 
for a RACES station to simply be able to send traffic via packet and Telnet, 
PLUS have a HF server accessible without needing a $1000 modem , will be very 
helpful.   How the bands will be with ping-ponging mail exchanges is another 
matter, I suspect some will not be happy.  The busy detect in WINMOR does work 
though, that should help.

Andy K3UK

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