

I like your description of those that use WINMOR  "WINMORons" !  Certainly
describes me for putting in so much time on this full-time "hobby".


We continue to make incremental improvements in robustness and
throughput..(Rome wasn't built in a day!)  but you are correct in the
comparisons against Pactor 2 and 3 which has some powerful hardware and 15
years of solid effort with good talent behind it. If we approach even 50% of
the P2/P3 performance under similar channel conditions I will consider it
all a success. Once the WINMOR protocol settles out I will again make some
apple-to-apple comparisons with P1, P2 and P3 across several "channels" on
the HF simulator. The motivation for WINMOR was as you said to provide a
viable HF ARQ mode and Radio Email client available to those agencies and
individuals that could not afford or justify the investment in a high
performance HF modem.


I am currently testing the next release. It has a few added features and
some boost in throughput and robustness. Here is a log snippet I ran with
VE1YZ  (Florida to Nova Scotia) last evening. 7K byte file (after
compression)  on 18107.5 MHz, 60 Watts, Trap Dipole antenna. It includes a
new metric that measures the peak 1 minute average throughput as well as the
session throughput which includes proposal and link turnover overhead.  For
comparison the peak throughput with P3 (which is ~50% wider bandwidth than
WINMOR's 1600 Hz mode) is about 11K bytes/min so on this link WINMOR was
running about 80% of the Bits/sec/Hz of P3. 


2009/11/01 21:25:36 *** Connected to: VE1YZ @ 1600 Hz at 2009/11/01

2009/11/01 21:25:36    [RMS Express-]

2009/11/01 21:25:36    ; VE1YZ DE KN6KB (EL98PF) >

2009/11/01 21:25:52 [RMS Express-]

2009/11/01 21:25:52 ; KN6KB DE VE1YZ (FN84BQ)

2009/11/01 21:26:09 FC EM 49F3NSDBH1FA 42046 7172 0

2009/11/01 21:26:09 F> 2A

2009/11/01 21:26:09    FS Y

2009/11/01 21:27:44 *** 49F3NSDBH1FA - 42044/7172 bytes received

2009/11/01 21:27:44    FF

2009/11/01 21:27:57 FQ

2009/11/01 21:27:58 *** Disconnected at 2009/11/01 21:27:58

2009/11/01 21:27:58 [Session Stats:]   Duration: 2.37 min

   Bandwidth:         1600       ISS Mode Shifts:       0

   Decode Attempts:   130

   Weak R-S Decodes :  98        Weak R-S Sums:      0

   Strong R-S Decodes: 14        Strong R-S Sums:    0

   Bytes Sent :       62         Bytes Received:    7345

   Throughput(bytes/min)  Session Avg: 3119   Max 1 min Avg: 6082

   Estimated Sample Rate Offset (ppm): 91


This release should be out this week. 

I am still working on some nagging bugs and beginning the port effort to the
RMS HF Winlink gateway.


Thanks for all your support and help during the beta testing effort.



Rick KN6KB


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