Hi Andy,

That presents some food for thought for those that want to scan for both 
tradtional ALE and ALE400 at the same time and also take advantage of the QS/S 
radio control support that I coded into PC-ALE.

If you are interested in testing and Patrick is interested in adding an 
enabling feature to generate some TCP/IP commands at the proper time, then we 
should be anble to bring about a more complete solution by making use ohe Man 
Machine Interface (MMI) in PC-ALE via Telnet.

It would be no problem to STOP and START the scanning process vis commands from 
MultiPSK when it detects ALE400, however there is at present no MMI command to 
release the RESOURCES to move forward with control of RS-232 port lines for PTT 
etc., however that could be added.

Let know via direct e-mail or th HFlink forum as I only read messages here 

/s/ Steve, N2CKH

--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, Andy obrien <k3uka...@...> wrote:
> actually, I am now doing both...in a crude way.  PC-ALE is controlling
> my rig and scanning standard ALE .  I also have Multipsk running, not
> scanning, but it will sound an alert if a ALE400 signal is detected.
> PC-ALE will not pause however, since it does not know anything about
> ALE400, so I am not sure if this method will do anything or not.  I'll
> test and see,  The main reason I have Multipsk up is that I can easily
> switch to a different digital mode of I receive a connect/link from an
> ALE station.
> Andy K3UK

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