Actually Andy What we are using right now are a 
few WinLink frequencies. Why you ask? because
every time we set camp anyplace someone will copy
the CW ID and them the hate email starts. Not to mention
the fact that AEL ran off a large bunch of people that
had been using everything from RTTY to PACKET.

Bottom line is there are very few places that we can park
and still have somewhat of a world wide network.

I for one don't like the protected idea at all.
Since we *must* stay in a very small part of the band
as it is already. But that's not stopping other from coming 
in and trashing us.

This "anti" pactor thing can work both ways. Many many 
times I have sat back watching 2 pactor stations going
at it. Having a nice QSO just to see them getting QRM'ed.

I think the main reason is because "most" can't copy
pactor with their sound card. I really don't care what their
problem is. But I'll tell you this right off, when we are having a 
nice QSO or dropping a note to someone and some LID
"yeah I said LID" jumps right in on top of it  the only thing 
that happens is that the system will try harder and harder to keep 
the link going. And when it switches to P3 it get's wider 
and wider. 

I have a friend that lives about 2 miles away. He is a no-coder.
Every time he stops by and I'm in a CW QSO he get all glassy 
eyed about it and always ask what is being talked about. I wonder
if the non-pactor guys do the same. -or- is there *really* a reason
some just love to trash every pactor or Amtor QSO they run across.

Remember guys, not every pactor signal on the air is a "robot" 
station. It could very well be Tony and I having a nice QSO.

John, W0JAB
-snow is melting-

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