Hi Andy,

First I'd like to say that I think I can argue both sides of the coin on this 
I think it is a very good idea to have a generally accepted and commonly known 
"watering holes" for the various modes to facilitate ease of finding another 
station in a particular mode. How about a specific frequency unique to every 
mode that would be a calling freq. You establish communications and move off 
I also like the idea of, by a gentleman's agreement, setting aside some 
specific freqs for some of the unattended modes/protocols: ALE, Winmor, PACTOR, 
(possibly other modes like: PropNetPSK, WSPR) etc. to ease interference issues 
both ways.
On the other hand, I would not want a 3rd party who is non-involved in a 
particular communication with a station to come on freq and berate me for using 
a mode "out of the spectrum slice allotted." For example, what if you and I 
were using Olivia 500 on 20M (more specifically 14.092 MHz) and then we decided 
we wanted to use MT-63 1k. Would we have to move?? I think that should be 
decided by both stations depending on how busy the adjacent frequencies are. We 
should also take into account if by using a wider mode if we would be 
interfering with another ongoing communication. I don't think it should be set 
in stone that if we were to switch modes that we would have to also switch 
"spectrum slices", it might make it harder for us to re-establish 
communications if the frequency we agreed upon was in use by someone else. We 
should however keep in mind that we might want to move to a different "spectrum 
slice" to help alleviate any overcrowding and allow other stations that wished 
to use a certain mode in the "allotted spectrum slice" to do so.
On 20M, I would suggest reversing the order of RTTY and digi modes for the 
segments of 14.080-14.093 & 14.093-14.096. The reason I say that is because in 
my opinion I feel that it is already a preconceived "agreement" by a wider 
group that RTTY is operated starting at 14.080 and on up, and is used pretty 
heavily during contests and DXing. I think we'd be pushing a boulder uphill. In 
this case work with a stronger force rather than against it. I also feel that 
the amounts of the spectrum slices in this case should be reversed. Give the 
greater amount to RTTY and the lesser amount to the digital modes. During a 
RTTY contest weekend I think many stations would start around 14.080 and work 
With that in mind, I'm curious why we don't use the higher end of the 20M CW 
subband more predominantly for digi modes; I'm referring to higher than 14.100 
MHz (leaving adequate room for the NCDXF beacons there). Please forgive my 
ignorance, but wouldn't that suffice for bandplans worldwide? I feel that even 
if we were to use PSK31 & RTTY that there would be plenty of room still for all 
of the other digital modes "upstairs". Generally speaking it's pretty quiet; 
look at the number of QSO's you've had there in digi or CW.
Again, my opinion is that I feel that giving "spectrum slices" to groupings of 
digi modes can be beneficial to users. I would like it to be recommended more 
as a gentleman's agreement, rather than set in stone that ONLY those modes can 
and should be operated there. A general guideline rather than a law.

73 de W8RIT Dave

--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, Andy obrien <k3uka...@...> wrote:
> http://www.obriensweb.com/bandmap.html
> A quick and dirty chart.  Comments welcome.

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