Earlier this morning, I called the FCC to confirm the "FCC: ROS LEGAL IN
USA" assertion made in


I asked for confirmation that the FCC had deemed ROS legal for use on HF by
US amateurs. When asked for a case number, I provided the case number given
on the above web page -- but was informed that this case number refers to a
"password reset" request, not ROS. I asked if I could speak with agent 3820,
and was immediately connected; her name is Dawn. I gave Dawn the above URL,
and read her the salient paragraph. She said that the information about ROS
legality posted on the above web site was not accurate. Dawn went on to say
that FCC staff members were working on this issue, and asked me to not make
public comments until further progress had been made. She offered to call me
at that time.

Dawn called me a few minutes ago, and stated that FCC staff consider the
information on the above web page to be out of context and misleading. She
further stated that FCC staff is working with the ARRL on this issue, and
that the outcome will be publicized by the ARRL. Dawn expects this to happen
soon; there is nothing related to ROS posted on <http://www.arrl.org/> as of
a few minutes ago.

Note that all telephone conversations with FCC personnel are recorded.


         Dave, AA6YQ

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