--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, "obrienaj" <k3uka...@...> wrote:
> --- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, k3uk@ wrote:
> >
> > Just a test message to the group vi a Winmor HF station.
> > 
> > Andy K3UK
> >
> It worked !  My thanks to KB1OOQ for the 80M on-ramp.  It took 5 minutes to 
> pass the message  but hey...
> Andy K3UK
> *** Connected to WL2K RMS: KB1OOQ-5 @ 2010/03/26 00:32:38
> 240 Minutes remaining
> [WL2K-$]
> Halifax CMS via KB1OOQ-5 >
>    [RMS Express-]
>    ; KB1OOQ-5 DE K3UK (FN02HK)
>    FC EM EZ10XB1F8FPP 239 204 0
>    F> A5
> FS Y
> *** Sending EZ10XB1F8FPP...
> FF
>    FQ
> *** Disconnected from WL2K RMS: KB1OOQ-5 @ 2010/03/26 00:37:33

Very cool, Andy, sending a message to the Yahoo Group via Winmor and the 
Winlink Global HF Email System!

Just so everyone doesn't think that Winmor is dog slow, below is a section of 
my current Winmor RMS (Radio Mail Server) log file from this early evening. If 
you've got good propagation you are going to go fast. If not, well then I guess 
you are Andy :-)

2010/03/26 00:32:28 RMS WINMOR Bedford NH USA (FN42FW)
2010/03/26 00:32:29 240 Minutes remaining
2010/03/26 00:32:29 Callsign :
2010/03/26 00:32:29 K3UK
2010/03/26 00:32:29 Password :
2010/03/26 00:32:29 CMSTelnet KB1OOQ-5 3570700 21
2010/03/26 00:32:29 [WL2K-$]
2010/03/26 00:32:29 Halifax CMS via KB1OOQ-5 >
2010/03/26 00:33:47 [RMS Express-]
2010/03/26 00:33:47 ; KB1OOQ-5 DE K3UK (FN02HK)
2010/03/26 00:34:46 FC EM EZ10XB1F8FPP 239 204 0
2010/03/26 00:34:46 F> A5
2010/03/26 00:34:47 Receiving binary data...
2010/03/26 00:34:47 FS Y
2010/03/26 00:36:46 FF
2010/03/26 00:41:36 RMS WINMOR Bedford NH USA (FN42FW)
2010/03/26 00:41:37 236 Minutes remaining
2010/03/26 00:41:37 Callsign :
2010/03/26 00:41:37 KC1PO
2010/03/26 00:41:37 Password :
2010/03/26 00:41:37 CMSTelnet KB1OOQ-5 3570700 21
2010/03/26 00:41:38 [WL2K-$]
2010/03/26 00:41:38 Perth CMS via KB1OOQ-5 >
2010/03/26 00:42:22 [RMS Express-]
2010/03/26 00:42:22 ; KB1OOQ-5 DE KC1PO (FN42IH)
2010/03/26 00:42:22 FF
2010/03/26 00:42:23 FC EM HHJIRMPXSYQZ 4876 4707 0
2010/03/26 00:42:24 F> 9C
2010/03/26 00:42:35 Sending binary data...
2010/03/26 00:42:35 FS Y
2010/03/26 00:46:55 FQ

The first entry is Andy's traffic. Because of the protocol overhead even 
connections that pass no traffic take approximately 2 minutes from start to 
finish. The more you send the less the overhead affects the aggregate data 
rate. You can see the connect in the log right after Andy moved a message that 
had 4707 bytes (compressed, uncompressed it was 4876) in about 5 minutes. 
That's flirting with 1Kbyte/min over a 500Hz bandwidth HF connection INCLUDING 
overhead, i.e. not bad! That is pretty typical for a 500Hz Winmor connection 
with good propagation. With very good propagation rates can approach 
2Kbytes/min, i.e. VERY not bad for 500Hz bandwidth!

Finally, as Dave noted there is no RMS relay yet for Winmor. So there is no 
true, organic (radio based), mesh network, store and forward YET. For now 
Winmor is dependent on the internet to move messages between the Winmor CMS 
mail servers. Nevertheless, if you are in an internet denied area (no wireline 
or commercial wireless) you can now send and receive internet email over HF and 
do it WITHOUT a $1000 Pactor modem.



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