True, the M-8000 is old. I would suggest that it buying it or not depends on
whether you want to play around with it for what it does still do well:
SITOR/AMTOR, CW, WEFAX, GMDSS, PACTOR, and ACARS for example. For most of
those you can find free decoders that will cover them, but it is still fun
to use. If you happen to have interest in Russian stuff, the Cyrillic
feature is neat, but I have to confess to not having used that feature in a
decade. Used to be great for Russian CW and RTTY! If you do buy it,
hopefully it is one of the later versions, like v7.5; that will have more
systems --that aren't used anymore.  :-)

On Sun, May 9, 2010 at 11:06 AM, wayner <> wrote:

> I have a chance to buy a Universal M-8000 decoder from a friend for $100.
> Is it worth it, . . .
> Wayner

Ed Pusey

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