On Tuesday 11 May 2010 05:12:07 you wrote:
> From: Andy obrien <k3uka...@gmail.com>
> Date: Mon, 10 May 2010   Time: 21:18:20
> >I will probably suggest that they authorize PS31, MFSK16 and Winmor
> >500 if they are going to get mode specific.
> >Andy K3UK
> Andy
> Does the FCC *really* have to specify all the permissible modes? Surely
> all that's important is to permit CW, SSB and narrow-band data (say, max
> 500 Hz) of *any* flavor that is permitted in Part97.
> Restricting data to just two or three modes is very short-sighted. If
> these modes become outdated, or ground-breaking new modes appear on the
> scene, you will have to keep going back to FCC to get the license
> conditions changed.

To start off, I am not against any particular mode and only have just enough HF 
experience to enjoy the bands and current modes and understand the limits of 

>From what I am seeing so far in this thread of emails is that the ARRL(?) is 
proposing to have ANOTHER avenue for so-called EMCOMM communications. Is this 
for long-haul or local as in State, Regional, or Country application?

Currently there are three different operating systems as I will call them that 
can and should be used on the HF bands that already authorize them:
1) Winlink
2) PSKMail
3) unattended Packet stations be it Pactor# or 300baud AX25 or APRS

Can it be 'justified' to 'clog up' a new band with allowing ANY digital mode, 
and I am also including digitized voice into this, just to have it be there? 
Why not use what is already staged and developed and on the bands that already 
have the allocations?

I personally don't see any reason to 'clog up' any more frequency allocations 
just to have something sitting there. Use what is already in place and leave 
some spectrum alone for a change. We need to manage what we have better than 
we have. Consider doing like was done with the WARC bands and contesting.  
Adding modes to a new band to me is a WASTE of precious spectrum. GIve it ten 
years at least before even proposing a change to a new band.

Before anyone says I am anti-EMCOMM. I do particapate in my local and State 
EMCOMMs when I can and enjoy helping out. I just don't see Amatuer Radio as 
the ultimate Swiss Army knife either. There are other under utilized avenues 
for getting a message from point A to Point B during any event. You just need 
to know how to utilize ALL of them properly.

James W8ISS

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