Hi Gareth,

As Jean-Claude and Mike have mentioned above it is likely not a 100% success 

Here is my experience:

Host OS Ubuntu, guest Windows XP run under VMware: poor results in digital 
modes programs as mentioned by Jean-Claude. Issue is timing accuracy due to the 
virtual machine being simply a process among others on the guest OS. 

Host OS Ubuntu, using Wine: acceptable results after sorting the audio issues. 
Fldigi runs fine, Multipsk also. Ham radio delux (version 4 I think) worked as 
long as I didn't use the mouse over the sliders, worked fine as a remote rig 

Host OS Windows XP, QEMU VM running Ubuntu: average results. Better than with 
VMware VM but not quite acceptable IMO. 

Host OS Windows XP, AndLinux (Colinux) running Ubuntu: good results, very 
compatible. Serial control working fine with restrictions on controlling rigs 
PTT via the DTR/RTS serial pins.

So in summary, no universal solution, but the last one was the simplest to 
setup and the most elegant (good integration) in my opinion.

If you are interested, have a look at the following setup, originally for the 
Pskmail & Fldigi application: http://pskmail.wikispaces.com/Server+on+windows

Hope this helps,

73, John (VK2ETA)

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