Okay now for all users to read and notice

First of all @jose : no I am not crazy, but all users should know what your
soft does EXACTLY>>>


For the rest of the world:

There are 2 exe in the ros folder

Ros(versxyz).exe is doing the on air things and the emailreport

Adifdata.exe is connecting to different clusters and sends the (wrong) spots


Jose decided to spread the users over the qrgs as he is doing it with his
tones in the channel

 If the spots were correct there would be a pileup every day and no user
could do a qso he thinks


So what he did is

Ros sends the data to adifdata via ros ini

So far so good

But the qrg is randomly calculated . so almost never correct . in the
autogenerated spots you only see who is working but not where (qrg)

The only way to get rid of the wrong spots is to denie the adifdata to
connect to the cluster

As vk3ama has closed the spotpage there is no need to send those false spots

So we users (I am a fan of that mode) can only get jose to change if we do
not sent those false spots

Many syops around the world put ROS on the bad word list cause of the
massive spotflooding and that the spots are false

Only Solution is:

Take a firewall and block the adifdata

Spot only real qso by hand typing (avoid the bad word to get a better chance
of forwarding)

Emailfunction can be used or not . has been safe so far . but who knows what
comes next

If jose change the randomizing of qrg and let the user decide whether to
send a spot or not I will use the spotfunction again

Then after change you know who is on air and where to find (that is all
needed info)

Till he changed his mind we ALL should block the autospotfunction cause it
is making more trouble as it helps


So please give that info to all other ros user


Maybe we can get rid of that bad behaviour (of the soft and his builder)




Best would be no autospotting at all


I decide to use ros without it and hope all others do the same


If no spots get in the cluster the function is useless


Greetings to all


Delta golf nine beat frequency counter



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