Rachel Bassett wrote:
See comments below ...

--- Denis Oliver Kropp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Rachel Bassett wrote:
Using WebKit on GTK+ on DirectFB, I only see the
1/4 of the image (width wise). The remaining 3/4s
the DirectFB bg color. However gtk-demo (using
DirectFB also) renders images fully as expected.
1/4 image that does appear is the correct aspect
ration and as you would expect, but only seeing
left hand 1/4 of the image.

I should have read this more thoroughly. I thought about the
upper left quarter and ruled out any pixel vs. byte issue :(

It might be clipped, possibly by a recent Cairo
but that would not explain why it's always 1/4 and
might go away with the attached patch, which is my
diff to trunk. I hope I find some free time soon to
finish the cleanups.

In dfb_gfxcard_blit I print out the rectangle width,
the state source width and the state clip width, all
printing the expected result ie not indicating any
clip. I also printed out the cairo clip info and again
nothing suggesting the image is clipped (although that
is how it visually appears!).

I didn't see any attachment / patch - could you email
it to me perhaps? Thanks.

I forgot to attach it. This patch should mainly improve performance
and fix bugs related to event handling.

It's from 2008/02/16 (posted to directfb-dev) and applies to the subversion tree of gtk+ of that date.

Best regards,
  Denis Oliver Kropp

| DirectFB - Hardware accelerated graphics |
| http://www.directfb.org/                 |

Attachment: gdk-dok-diff-testing.patch.bz2
Description: application/bzip

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