you can pass the options:

in the /etc/directfbrc

On Thu, Nov 27, 2008 at 7:16 PM, Страхиња Радић <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> haithem rahmani wrote:
> > Hi,
> > what about disabling the mouse and the keyboard in the /etc/directfbrc?
> > i
>        How? I did a
> # ./configure --with-inputdrivers=linuxinput --with-gfxdrivers=nvidia
> --prefix=/usr --enable-debug
> # make
> # make install
> and it still generates signal 11. Maybe this additional info will be
> of some help? I got it by putting `debug' into /etc/directfbrc (I
> pasted here only the lines around the `signal 11' line):
> (*) Direct/Thread: Started 'Keyboard Input' (-1) [INPUT OTHER/OTHER
> 0/0] <8388608>...
> (-) [  NO NAME         0.184] (14311) Direct/Thread/Init:
> direct_thread_main( 0x8839708 ) <- tid 14311
> (-) [Main Thread       0.184] (14272) Direct/Thread/Init:   -> waiting...
> (-) [  NO NAME         0.184] (14311) Direct/Thread/Init:   -> starting...
> (-) [Keyboard Input    0.184] (14311) Direct/Signals:     Blocking all
> signals from now on!
> (-) [Keyboard Input    0.184] (14311) Direct/Thread/Init:   -> locking...
> (-) [Keyboard Input    0.184] (14311) Direct/Thread/Init:   ->
> signalling...
> (-) [Keyboard Input    0.184] (14311) Direct/Thread/Init:   ->
> unlocking...
> (-) [Keyboard Input    0.184] (14311) Direct/Thread/Init:   -> running...
> (-) [Main Thread       0.184] (14272) Direct/Thread/Init:   ->
> ...thread is running.
> (-) [Main Thread       0.184] (14272) Direct/Thread/Init:   ->
> unlocking...
> (-) [Main Thread       0.184] (14272) Direct/Thread/Init:   ->
> returning 0x8839708
> (-) [Main Thread       0.184] (14272) Core/Input:           -> opened
> 'Keyboard' (1) 0.9 (
> (-) [Main Thread       0.184] (14272) Direct/Mem:           +    60
> bytes [reactor.c:1593 in fusion_reactor_new()]
> (-) [Main Thread       0.184] (14272) Core/Input:         make_id( 0x00 )
> (-) [Main Thread       0.184] (14272) Core/Input:         make_id( 0x10 )
> (-) [Main Thread       0.184] (14272) Core/Input:         make_id( 0x11 )
> (*) DirectFB/Input: Keyboard 0.9 (
> (-) [Main Thread       0.184] (14272) Core/Input:
> allocate_device_keymap( 0x8834fb8, 0x8839e70 )
> (-) [Main Thread       0.184] (14272) Core/Input:         init_axes(
> 0x8839e70 )
> (-) [Main Thread       0.184] (14272) Core/Input: input_add_device(
> 0x8839e70 )
> (-) [Main Thread       0.184] (14272) Direct/Mem:           +   148
> bytes [input.c:1163 in init_devices()]
> (!) [14272:    0.184] --> Caught signal 11 (at 0xb80af060, invalid
> address) <--
> (-) [Main Thread       0.184] (14272) DirectFB/Core: dfb_core_destroy...
> (-) [Main Thread       0.184] (14272) Direct/Signals:     Removing
> handler 0xb8040110 for signal -1 with context 0x8834fb8...
> (-) [Main Thread       0.184] (14272) Direct/Mem:           - number
> of bytes of handler [signals.c:176 in direct_signal_handler_remove()]
> -> 0x8837060
> (-) [Main Thread       0.184] (14272) DirectFB/Core:      Shutting down...
> (-) [Main Thread       0.184] (14272) Fusion/Object:      == Window
> Pool ==
> (-) [Main Thread       0.184] (14272) Fusion/Object:        ->
> destroying pool...
> (-) [Main Thread       0.184] (14272) Fusion/Object:        -> syncing...
> (-) [Main Thread       0.184] (14272) Fusion/Object:        -> locking...
> (-) [Main Thread       0.184] (14272) Fusion/Object:        -> pool
> destroyed (Window Pool)
> --
>    _     _   ______________________________________________________
>  /(_____)\ | ____ __  __ __ __                                    |
>  \_/~ ~\_/ |/ __// /_/ // // /   |
>   (\'_'/)  / /  / __  /_\ ' /            |
>    (o_o)  /_/  /_/ /_//____/  |
>            |______________________________________________________|
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