On Tue, Sep 20, 2005 at 10:21:57AM -0700, Eric Blossom wrote:
> > 
> > Just to be sure things are right, I blew away the GnuRadio installed files
> > and re-built from CVS. Amazingly, one problem in the gnuradio-core build
> > seems to have disappeared but a new problem appeared in the audio-oss build.
> A couple of basic comments:
> I assume that you know that the modules have to be built in a
> particular order to satisfy dependencies among themselves.  
> The easiest way to handle this is to use:
>   $ cd gr-build
>   $ ./for-all-dirs ../buildit  2>&1 | tee make.log
Yep, it does that. I run a script which does it the same way as before.

> > One more bug to hunt down to get back where I was:
> > Traceback (most recent call last):
> >   File "./qa_oss.py", line 24, in ?
> >     import audio_oss
> >   File "/usr/gr/gr-build/gr-audio-oss/src/audio_oss.py", line 5, in ?
> >     import _audio_oss
> > ImportError: /usr/gr/gr-build/gr-audio-oss/src/.libs/_audio_oss.so: 
> > Undefined symbol "_ZN8gr_block5startEv"
> > FAIL: run_tests
> Did you "make install" gnuradio-core prior to trying to build audio_oss?
> (If you ../buildit in gnuradio-core, it would have done this for you.)

Yep, the gnuradio-core was built, checked, and installed. Unlike the previous
CVS download, the gnuradio-core make check no longer fails. Not sure if that
is a clue. (I was having to do make install and then make check worked).

> It could be that you have an old installed version of the
> gnuradio-core library sitting in /usr/local/lib that is being
> referenced when running the gr-audio-oss tests.

Indeed there was a /usr/local/lib/gnuradio-core.so.0, probably left from
some time ago when the 'prefix' got accidentally munged. I deleted that
and a link to it as well as looking around for any other pieces of GR there.

So now the above error says it can't find gnuradio-core.so.0 which is in
fact installed in /usr/gr/local/lib. Looks like the ./configure sets the 
'-L' variable to search that library.

I had set CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS to add the /usr/local path to get the usrp 
code to build but backing all that out doesn't recover.

PYTHONPATH has not been changed. LD_LIBRARY_PATH has not been changed.

Still looking....


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