You can get them on Ebay for around AU$1000 which is about US$750 or 
thereabouts with 27m to go.

cheerio Berndt

On Tuesday 12 December 2006 13:42, Eric A. Cottrell wrote:
> Robert McGwier wrote:
> >> Now if we can only get our hands on one or more of these PS3's.   If you
> >
> > want to get a real laugh,   search for PS3 using froogle and look at all
> > of the listings in the thousands of dollars.  MADNESS.
> >
> > Anyway,  now that we have very good information,  I have placed my
> > pre-order with Yellow Dog Linux FROM Yellow Dog Linux for $100.  This is
> > a nonrefundable deposit.  If you do this,  it comes preloaded with YDL,
> > running when it shows up, and the delta price between PS3 and PS3+YDL is
> > less than them individually.
> >
> > Bob
> Hello,
> Not to mention the violence associated with just owning or wanting to
> own the PS3.  March/April time frame seems like a long time to wait for
> a device released in November.  Might as well buy one at Dayton.
> Pre-Christmas shopping for hot items is insane madness.  There may be
> some hope in January to get one.  My company has given me Boxing Day off
> as a bonus.  I am going to hang around and see if I can pick up a PS3
> after the user has fallen into The Uncanny Valley. :)
> What is the street price for a PS3?  I read somewhere that there is $800
> worth of hardware in the box.  Does that make it a $1200 to $1600 toy?
> Isn't USB getting too slow for input with this type of box?  How am I
> going to decode and display two HDTV signals at the same time?
> 73 Eric
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