Johnathan Corgan wrote:
George Nychis wrote:

So it looks like there is a lot of time spent scheduling the threads in
the kernel.  We're not concerned about optimizing the application itself.

Not really.

Look at just the functions that take up more than 1% of CPU time (the
bottom 21 lines.)  These total about 70% of the overall time spent.  Of
these (approximate numbers)

26% libm, libc or libstdc++
19% libpmt
12% test_usrp_inband_tx
 5% libusrp-inband
 5% vmlinux or usbcore
 3% libmblock

So it doesn't appear whatever performance issue you are seeing is
directly related to CPU time spent in the kernel.  I have some other
ideas for profiling but don't have the time until later today perhaps to
email to you.

Ah, you're right. From what I can remember, it is spending significantly less time in the kernel compared to the last time we profiled it in June. I'm going to do a couple more runs on some of the other inband applications also and see what happens.


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