On Sun, Oct 07, 2007 at 06:16:28PM -0400, George Nychis wrote:
> Eric,
> >Before even thinking about libpmt, it would be wise to figure out the
> >much greater CPU consumption in libc.  Start with the big offenders.
> >
> >When that's sorted out (and we're confident about your profile
> >numbers) we can have a discussion about what's next.
> Sounds good.
> >
> >BTW, what is the test case that you're running?
> >What is the exact sequence of commands that you are issuing to
> >generate this trace?  I'd like to try to reproduce this on my machines.
> So actually I was using reset, but said dump.

Good ;)

> Heres my exact sequence:
> sudo opcontrol --start
> sudo opcontrol --reset
> ./test_usrp_inband_underrun (interp/decim @ 16, 30e6 samples)
> sudo opcontrol --save=inband_tx_rx_5
> cd .libs/

I think you want a dump here, to ensure that everything is forced to disk.

> opreport -rl session:inband_tx_rx_5 lt-test_usrp_inband_underrun &> \
>    inband_tx_rx_5
> If i run another test, I omit the start :P
> And, heres the results of doing just that:
> http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/gnychis/inband_tx_rx_5
> Heres the rbf I'm using, you can change it by editing the underrun 
> application, the current checked in copy of my branch is using 
> nanocell9, just switch it.
> http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/gnychis/cs1.rbf
> A new run with test_usrp_inband_tx:
> http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/gnychis/inband_tx_6
> The key difference between the two is underrun has both TX and RX 
> running, TX only has TX running... and also underrun generates one large 
> message of size d_nsamples_to_send, where the normal TX program breaks 
> d_nsamples_to_send down into multiple frames.



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