On Sun, Jul 20, 2008 at 7:49 AM, Eric Blossom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> You should seek professional legal advice and be sure that you
> understand the terms of the license.

The problem is finding a lawyer who truly, actually understands the GPL.
They're both pretty busy these days.


Having been through this drill, I can tell you that IP lawyers generally do
*not* know squat about Open Source issues, and hence will tell you to stay
away from the GPL in toto. Those who claim expertise are in fact telling you
they'd be happy to take your money to spend the time learning what they're
implying they already know.


Travelling by airplane in the US is nothing more than mass training of
Americans to the requirements of the coming police state. The whole point is
to make you learn to acquiesce without question, en masse, to completely
absurd directives by dull functionaries wearing uniforms. -- Atrios
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