On Sun, 2008-10-26 at 08:33 -0700, Johnathan Corgan wrote:
> On Sun, 2008-10-26 at 16:27 +0100, Martin DvH wrote:
> > I checked out your development branch too.
> > branches/developers/jcorgan/u2-wip
> > Should I build that and see what it does?
> I'm about to merge this into the trunk, so don't bother building it.
> But I don't expect what I've done so far to address this.

> Can you check if varying the decimation rate (try 4, 5, 100, and 200)
> impacts what you are seeing?

4  noise -90 dB
5  noise -93 dB
6  noise -90 dB
7 noise -98 dB
8 noise -100 dB
9 noise -92 dB
10 noise -98 dB with small peak at -93 dB center freq (possibly my radio
11 noise -93 dB
12 flat -380 dB (essentially all zero's)
13 noise -95 dB
14  -105 dB erratic changing noise with sometimes a sinc curve (noise
intermittand with zero's)
15 noise -100 dB zomewhat erratic
16 very irratic between -100 and -180 dB (noise intermittand with
17 same as 16
18 noise -100 dB
19 noise -98 dB
20 flatline -380 dB
21 same as 16
22 noise at -100 with small peak at center freq -93 dB same as 10
23 flatline -380 dB
24 flatline -380 dB
25 same as 16
26 same as 10
27 flatline -380 dB
28 flatline -380 dB
29 irractic flatline (flatline at different dB levels
30 same as 16
31 same as 16
32 flatline -380 dB

100 flatline -380 dB
200 flatline -380 dB

This is with the old fpga firmware
I am nowgoing to try the new one.

> Also, I suspect that there might be a compatibility issue between the
> version of the FPGA code that was shipped on the SD card and the current
> trunk firmware/host code.  In a separate email I will send to you
> another FPGA bin file to try to see if it makes a difference.

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