Hi Colby,

I am glad that I am not the only one trying to port the code.
I guess you are in a more advanced state. I wasn't even able to run the test.py. ;-)

Would you like to share your modified code (even if it is not finished)? so that I try to understand your modifications.

Best Regards,

P.S. For the USRP2 api, I usually compare the USRP2 and USRP swig code (e.g. usrp2.py and usrp_swig.py).

Colby Boyer wrote:
Hi Andrea,

I am also working to port the 802.11b code to the USRP2. I have finished converting the code to hier_block2, and the bbn_80211b_test.py script works correctly and it can send packets in simulation. I am currently working on modifying the rx, and tx files to connect to the USRP2, but been struggling to make progress. I have not had much luck finding any documentation for the USRP2 function calls, so I am sorta lost on what to change in rx, tx and tx transmit path files. Does anyone have any links to the usrp2 api?

I would be more than happy to share the modifications I made (built largly upon Douglas's work) with rest of the GNU radio community.

Colby Boyer

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