Hi all,

yes, it works :-) This is what I did in OS X 10.6.4:

sudo port selfupdate
sudo  port upgrade outdated
sudo port install python_select
sudo python_select python26
sudo port install mesa
sudo port clean --all wxWidgets-python
sudo port -d install py26-wxpython
sudo port install gnuradio

... and grc is working.

Thanks, folks!

On Thu, Jul 8, 2010 at 5:43 PM, Michael Dickens <m...@alum.mit.edu> wrote:
> Hi Bruh - Glad to hear you're getting Wx to work for you.  We're working on
> getting the Qt GUI working as well.  I know that the state of Wx on MacPorts
> is "confusing" right now -- to me as well.  If I were you, now that you've
> got it working, I'd leave my MacPorts install alone until the Wx stuff gets
> worked out; could be a long time, and it really depends on how quickly the
> Wx folks get their 32/64 OSX 10.5/10.6 acts together.
> To address your question:
> On Jul 8, 2010, at 3:50 AM, Bruhtesfa Ebrahim wrote:
>> That did the trick and I now installed gnuradio including gr-wxgui and
>> grc, but got this warning:
>> {{{
>> *** Post-Install Message ***
>> Warning: python could not find the gnuradio module.
>> Make sure that /usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages is in your
>> }}}
>> I used the "~/.bashrc" file suggested at
>> https://radioware.nd.edu/documentation/install-guides/mac-os-x/preliminaries,
>> where the PYTHONPATH was set to
>> /usr/local/lib/python${PYTHON_VERSION}/site-packages.
>> So, I could not figure out why this happened. Any suggestions?
> Assuming you setup your .bashrc file exactly as found in the "Additional
> Login Scripts" section of that page, and MacPorts is fully installed to use
> its own 'python', then the PYTHONPATH should read something like:
> PYTHONPATH=/opt/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages:/usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages
> where the former path is for MacPorts and the latter for GNU Radio.  If all
> you're getting is the PYTHONPATH you list, then I would bet you haven't
> selected (in MacPorts) the correct version of python.  What does "which
> python" return for you?  ditto for "ls -l `which python`" ... if either of
> those shows that the version is "/usr/bin/python" or the like, then you need
> to select the MacPorts' version, via (assuming you're using MacPorts' port
> "python26" as I do):
> $ sudo port install python_select
> $ sudo python_select python26
> and that should do the trick.  No matter how much automation we build in,
> someone eventually messes with some part of it to require even more :)  Hope
> this help! - MLD
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