2011/1/12 Marcus D. Leech <mle...@ripnet.com>

> Hi, i'm watching all discussion about poor students and the evil Mr Ettus
>> who don't play like Santa Claus and whant to make some profit :). I'm also
>> watching all topics and discussion regarding a low cost solution for use
>> with GNURADIO. I guess we can have a cheap option to us and I'm
> I don't think anyone *seriously* thinks Matt is evil for wanting to make a
> profit from his hard labour.  That makes as much sense as insisting
>  that Henry Ford should have produced cars at materials cost, and his
> labour force should have worked for free, "for the greater good".
>  The fact is that Henry Ford contributed to "the greater good" *while*
> making a significant profit, and giving his workers a living wage, etc, etc.
>  OMG, did I just compare Matt to Henry Ford?  Hmmmmm.  :-) :-)
Yes, I'm kidding about the evil part :)
Backing to the focus of my previous post, I saw the discussion and the block
diagram you sent before, my sugestion is to organize this discussion and
offer my work force. Later this could be a "spin off" project from gnuradio.

Next friday I'll have my last task at the universty and, next week i'll
place some serious effort on this.
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