If you don't trust me, try it. Use Xilinx on Windows, create a project
and put in all file of all different makefile in the repo for USRP2 with
u2_rev3.v in top. Implement top module and create the bin file. After,
give me some news plz. It's not loosing time, nobody had answer to my
question and somebody have same problem than me. Thx a lot.

Well, that is where you are going wrong.  Don't create a project file.
Use the makefile as is.  It works fine.  The Xilinx tools are very picky
and we have everything set up just right.  We also use them under linux
which works much better.


I tried it with cygwin but it didn't find ise_helper.tcl. I don't know why, the file is at the good place. Do you have any idea of the problem, I will ask somebody else at school.


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