Hi  marcus ,
 As spotted by khaleed i think that could be possible regarding ,let another
external FPGA does all the heavy works , Now as i have spotted out before ,
If i just do not let the complete 100Mhz band to be processed in my CPU and
just choose only some part of the band for exp: 350 * 10 = 3500 Khz , to let
enter my cpu and process that much bandwidth only. Which will reduce much of
the overhead calculations in the CPU. I think this could help out. Now, i
would like to point out what i have in my mind,what  I am thinking is ,to
let the 100Mhz bandwidth to be processed by my 12 bit 200MSPS ADC , and
later my 32 bit DDC  choose only  350*10 = 3500 Khz bandwidth , and let the
3500 Khz bandwidth to be processed in my i5 processor ( thou i dont know how
system performance can be calculated ) and by doing so i can make the system
be able to do the calculations. Now here my doubt comes that, using the high
speed ADC , DDC would not gnuradio breaks in some part like processing ,
data transfer etc.

 I apologize for any mistaken questions or my innocence with regard to
gnuradio capability, any proper guides  will be highly appreciated.
And can you Please suggest me , how much IF i should require to make the
100Mhz bandwidth to be able to process in my 200MSPS ADC,
Sorry for late reply.


On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 7:26 PM, Marcus D. Leech <mle...@ripnet.com> wrote:

> On 25/04/2011 9:33 AM, ton ph wrote:
>> Thanks marcus ,
>>  i very much appreciate the info and has cleared many of my wrong concepts
>> about usrp and gnuradio. As you have said , processing 100Mhz of bandwidth
>> using gnuradio will be a bit Hard unless handcrafting the signal processing
>> block by hand , what if I processes the 100Mhz bandwidth by a 200Mhz , 12
>> bit ADC and later on i choose only 10 channels out of my 100Mhz full band
>> data , by a 32 channel DDC , in which i can access each channel data from
>> software.  Which might reduce my bandwidth entering the CPU to about for
>> example: 350 * 10 = 3500 Khz . If i follow this trend, i could reduce much
>> of the overhead to the CPU. But my doubt still exist, processing the 100Mhz
>> bandwidth using gnuradio wil be possible or not ? ... Do we need high IF
>> upto how much so as it can process 100Mhz ... ?
>>  Certainly, if you pre-process your entire bandwidth in the FPGA on your
> front-end device, such that only a smaller bandwidth is
>  required to be processed on the host computer, that will help a lot.
> I don't think there's a clear answer to "can Gnu Radio do what I want",
> without knowing what you want to do with the data on the
>  host computer.  You might want to put together a few "test" flow-graphs
> and see how much CPU resources they consume, and use
>  that as a model to guide you.
> Gnu Radio isn't inherently limited to any particularly bandwidth--it
> doesn't really know anything about bandwidth.  But as a
>  *practical matter*, Gnu Radio executes *algorithms*--collections of
> mathematical operations on the data stream from a sample
>  source.  Those mathematical operations have some cost, in terms of how
> many millions of them you can execute in any given
>  length of time on any given CPU configuration.
> Since Gnu Radio uses floating-point, it's quasi-useful to know how many
> FLOPS (Floating-point operations/second) your particular
>  CPU can perform. The Core i7 920, for example, is rated at roughly 70
> GFLOPS (7 x 10**10 FLOPS), which means that it can
>  execute roughly 70 billion floating-point multiply-add pairs per second
> (probably using SSE floating-point operations).
> So, let's say we're processing 100Msps complex samples, that's effectively
> 200Msps (I and Q).  Let's say we're processing those samples
>  on the above-stated Core i7 920, and that we're using a perfectly-optimal
> algorithm, with perfectly-optimal compilers, etc, etc.  That
>  means that our overall processing algorithms can only perform:
>    7.0e10-FLOPS  / 2e8-SAMPLES = 350 OPS/SAMPLE
> You won't be able to perform more than 350 multiply-add equivalent
> operations *in the very best case*, before your CPU isn't able to
>  "keep up".  In reality, you'll run out of performance long before the
> theoretical limit has been reached.

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