I was doing some experiments with multi-DDC support in recent UHD+USRP2

I thought I'd start by a simple  source----->FFT Sink

I discovered rather by accident that if my FFT sinks had averaging
turned *OFF*, that even at
  modest input bandwidths on my dual-centrino laptop, they'd get wedged,
even at relatively-low
  FFT frame rates (3 for example).  But turn on averaging, and the
systems resources required
  were reduced to the point that the display could support FFT display.
  I think this says something
  about how (in) efficient OpenGL is about rendering even simple 2D
objects that change dynamically.

Another test I did was:

source----->LOG-POWER FFT---->NULL SINK

The resources consumed by *that* were about 30% of what they were when I
was actually displaying
  an FFT window.

Principal Investigator
Shirleys Bay Radio Astronomy Consortium

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