On Sun, May 8, 2011 at 10:40 PM, Stefan Gofferje <stefan.goffe...@gmx.de>wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> On 05/08/2011 11:50 PM, Marcus D. Leech wrote:
> > I discovered rather by accident that if my FFT sinks had averaging
> > turned *OFF*, that even at
> >   modest input bandwidths on my dual-centrino laptop, they'd get wedged,
> > even at relatively-low
> >   FFT frame rates (3 for example).  But turn on averaging, and the
> > systems resources required
> >   were reduced to the point that the display could support FFT display.
> >   I think this says something
> >   about how (in) efficient OpenGL is about rendering even simple 2D
> > objects that change dynamically.
> I have similar observations but without any hardware. The WX FFT totally
> locks my Athlon 64 3800+, when displaying.
> Just signal source -> FFT sink.
> BUT - only the WX FFT. The QT FFT seems rather reasonable in performance
> demands.

Are you saying you're using a gr_sig_source straight into the FFT sink? You
should probably put a gr_throttle block in there since you have nothing else
rate-limiting the flowgraph.

It's not a surprise that the Qt sinks are more efficient, though. The
wxPython has a lot of stuff implemented directly in Python where as the
QtGui is almost entirely done in C++.


> - --
>  (o_   Stefan Gofferje            | SCLT, MCP, CCSA
>  //\   Reg'd Linux User #247167   | VCP #2263
>  V_/_  Heckler & Koch - the original point and click interface
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