On Tue, May 10, 2011 at 3:05 AM, adib_sairi <adib_sa...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Adib,
> No, I'm afraid I can't help you there. This was from when I was working on
> my Ph.D. years ago at Virginia Tech and I no longer have access to the
> code.
> Any papers I have can be found in IEEE Xplore or from the SDR Forum (now
> Wireless Innovation Forum). I was also mostly interested in the development
> of a cognitive engine that I applied to the DSA problem, not really DSA
> itself.
> Tom
> oh its too bad we cannot see the code. I follow some of your work on
> cognitive engine when you are with VT during my literature of my master, it
> was a nice work your team done in VT with CR.
> Last time there was a colleague in this forum introduce me to the CROSS
> which done by VT (i also cite this in my thesis) ..and inside the CROSS
> there is a cognitive engine. is this your work? =)
> thanks tom.
> Adib

While CROSS isn't my code, the general design of the cognitive engine is
very much like what I set up in my work and dissertation, so I'm assuming
it's largely based off it.

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