Hello Adib,

CROSS was the product of Tim Newman and myself, and was created a couple of
years ago.  Development stopped some time ago, and the documentation is
wildly out-of-date, but the code is still freely available:

<http://www.cornet.wireless.vt.edu/trac/wiki/Cross>CROSS does provide a
_skeleton_ cognitive engine, and a framework to wrap it in, but it does not
provide a working cognitive engine out-of-the-box.  The goal of the project
was to develop something we could sit on top of any SDR platform - GNURadio,
OSSIE, whatever, and establish a distributed waveform.

I've actually never looked at Tom's work, so I can't comment on the
similarities.  It may be very similar.  My understanding, and Tom can
correct me if I'm wrong, was that Tom's dissertation focused mostly on the
CE component itself.  CROSS is algorithm and CE agnostic; it cares only
about how the components talk to each other.

Glad to hear you found it useful enough to cite, and I hope this helps!


On Tue, May 10, 2011 at 7:19 AM, Tom Rondeau <trondeau1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, May 10, 2011 at 3:05 AM, adib_sairi <adib_sa...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Adib,
>> No, I'm afraid I can't help you there. This was from when I was working on
>> my Ph.D. years ago at Virginia Tech and I no longer have access to the
>> code.
>> Any papers I have can be found in IEEE Xplore or from the SDR Forum (now
>> Wireless Innovation Forum). I was also mostly interested in the
>> development
>> of a cognitive engine that I applied to the DSA problem, not really DSA
>> itself.
>> Tom
>> oh its too bad we cannot see the code. I follow some of your work on
>> cognitive engine when you are with VT during my literature of my master,
>> it
>> was a nice work your team done in VT with CR.
>> Last time there was a colleague in this forum introduce me to the CROSS
>> which done by VT (i also cite this in my thesis) ..and inside the CROSS
>> there is a cognitive engine. is this your work? =)
>> thanks tom.
>> Adib
> While CROSS isn't my code, the general design of the cognitive engine is
> very much like what I set up in my work and dissertation, so I'm assuming
> it's largely based off it.
> Tom
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