Greetings USRP users and producers,
We have constructed an eggbeater antenna to take VHF signals coming from 
amatuer radio satellites.
And today I did my first demodulation and listened to a beacon signal. While 
trying to implement
demodulation technique, I saw there are lots of useful signal processing blocks 
that probably leaves 
maybe nothing to do for basic telecommunication systems applications, may be 
they are much better.
There are a few web sites in which we can find really good and working designs, 
but is there any tutorial,
web site, or even a book in which we can find details of what signal processing 
blocks provided by GRC do?
For example in a block there is something alpha, beta etc. but a 
beginner probably cannot know what it is,
is it alpha network for instance, or some blocks though I took a course of 
telecommunication systems, in
just one course all the related topics probably cannot be covered. 
For pleasure of consumer :), is not there any tutorial in which we can find 
what parameters of any GRC block mean, :) ?
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