> How do you compile this? I put it in a file and made a couple fo quick
> stabs at it.

My Makefile is just:

grlock: grlock.cc
        g++ -g -Wall -I/usr/local/include/gnuradio -o grlock grlock.cc \
        -lgnuradio-core -Xlinker -rpath /usr/local/lib64

You probably won't need the -Xlinker -rpath stuff unless your machine has some 
weird library path issues.

> This raises a question, the standard search paths find this file, but
> the gnuradio headers have lines like:
> #include <gr_core_api.h>

I'm not a fan of that include scheme either, but I work with what I have.

The least I can do is not propagate it into my own code, which is why I have 
the leading "gnuradio/" on those paths.
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