On Mon, Dec 12, 2011 at 3:41 AM, Martin Braun <martin.br...@kit.edu> wrote:

> * Do you randomly get either segfault or i/o error? I always get the i/o
>  with this code..

I get both.

> * Your code stresses the WAV-code a lot :) What are you trying to
>  accomplish? Are you finding a bug in wavfile_sink or do you need this
>  behaviour for something? Because you don't need close() if you just
>  want to switch files.
> * In any case, you're right. It's possible to call close() during work()
>  after do_update() is finished and thus yank the fp out from under our
>  feet. Actually, I can't think of any case where we need to call
>  close() manually--perhaps it should even be private?

I don't think making close() private is really the right solution. I'm
recording distinct conversations so having an open() unmute() mute()
close() sequence per call makes the most sense (if a channel is idle for 20
minutes between transmissions then I'm going to have the last wav file open
for 20 minutes; unless I open a temporary file to write nothing to, which
just seems silly).

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