On 01/31/2012 02:48 PM, Florian Schlembach wrote:
> Ok, that definitely makes sense if there is no error correction is
> implemented.
> We are now trying to establish an TCP/IP connection between both USRP2s
> with the tunnel.py script.
> Unfortunately, it says "Destination Host unreachable" when pinging the
> other USRP. We should have set up the tunnel correct as some packets are
> received and transmitted after having configured the IP address. The
> pinged USRPs is indicating the received icmp packet but there is still
> no confirmed ping-request though.

Short answer; dont do that. Yes, this particular USRP is a network
device, but that is completely unrelated to the purpose of tunnel.py.
You probably have to play with routing tables to make this work...

> Do you have an idea why the pinging is not working after having
> established the tunnel.py connection?

Try pinging a service that is running on the remote virtual interface on
host PC0 from the local virtual interface on host PC1.


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