Okay!  So apparently there is some interest in power line communication for
GSoC.  But, what we would want to do is already have a safe way of
connecting the USRP in to the wall socket for the student(s), and for the
future of GNU Radio and USRP power line communications development.

So, as a goal of this thread I'd like to get some feedback on how we can
make this possible.  Ideally, something off-the-shelf would be great,
providing the highest amount of safety for those experimenting with it.

Please keep in mind my background is not EE, but I am more than happy to
try and lead this and test/try/sacrifice what needs to be done.

Jonathan mentioned that for a project he was working on before, generic
50-ohm wall socket power couplers were made.  I don't know how difficult it
would be to replicate something like this.

Evan Merewether suggested picking up some power line telephone extenders
from Radio Shack and dissecting them.

Ideally, I think we could connect whatever it is to a basic TX/RX.

Any thoughts here?

- George
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